


Users should have at least Flash 11.4 or higher to be able to view videos from LOS player. Also, the domain’s root crossdomain.xml file should enable our CDN to run.




There are three methods in embedding LOS Player into a website. The first two methods are the most commonly used, which employs the global embed code or standard embed. The third method is recommended for a more particular and specific need.


Standard Embed

The standard embed is most applicable for embedding of videos on a web page. Prior to the creation of the standard embed, videos can only be played using a plug-in. The code attributes are simple, which include controls, width and height. If you want to add in playlists, simply change the data ID. Other attributes can also be included. Check out our list of available attributes.


Specialized Embed

The specialized embed is utilized for those who prefer to have more control or want adjustments to be made easily. If you want to adjust ad frequency settings, for example, the specialized embed is the best type to use. The downside of the specialized embed is that updates do not apply automatically unlike standard embeds. More than attributes, specialized embed uses a lot of perimeter passing. These parameters will overwrite any previous codes when passed.


Available Attributes

  • Data-container: a default container where the player is rendered
  • Data-width: width of the rendered player
  • Data-height: height of the rendered player
  • Data-publisher-id: publisher ID for your account
  • Data-video-id: ID for the video
  • Data-playlist-id: ID for the playlist
  • Data-config: URI for the video or playlist configuration


Lazy Loading

LOS player has a lazy loading feature, which will prevent the player from appearing if you won’t allow it, even though it was embedded in the page code. The requirement is to have a container to add the script for lazy load. This option can be useful when loading ads together with the player to minimize bandwidth and increase upload speed. Standard embeds and lazy loading also supports callbacks, giving users to perform a certain action when an ad loads, completes or fail.


The LOS Player library is where all player properties, methods and events are stored. In writing an embed code, do not rename the library ID as the player refers to it while running.